An extremely weird thing happened at East Marden PS with Adam Cece
20 April 2021
Adam Cece, the author of the The Extremely Weird Thing That Happened In Huggabie Falls, talked about imagination and how looking at a lemon got him started on writing books for children. Weird! The lemon made him think of a head and that head became Wesley Booth, Super Sleuth.
East Marden PS love the PRC and have an ambassador visit every year thanks to Tsam Georgoudis, their library manager. Tsam asked some of the students what they thought of the visit from Adam and they said:
It was inspiring and fun! – Avleen rm 16
You can be inspired by anything, even a lemon! – Kai rm 16
Any small thing can change your life! – Maggie rm 16
It was really creative! Dylan rm 16
Well done to all East Marden PS PRC readers! Keep enjoying your reading and look forward to another PRC Ambassador visit soon.