If You Tell Anyone, You're Next
ISBN: 9781761292019
Australian: Yes
Published: 2023 by Scholastic Australia
Level: Mature
An exciting thriller that was at times genuinely scary. The plot zips along at a great pace, full of enjoyable twists and turns and leading to a satisfying ending. The depiction of the bullying and blackmailing behaviours of The 17, the secret social media group, is deliciously nasty and dangerous, making for compelling reading.The character of Zoe is well developed, particularly through the tone of the writing, with a sense of a strong, determined personality coming through that sets her up as a believable detective. This book would appeal to fans of One of Us is Lying and suitable for even the younger end of the readership. While the depiction of social media bullying is disturbing, the language is age appropriate, often humorous and the hint of romance doesn’t overtake the main narrative of solving the mystery.