Benefits of the Premier's Reading Challenge
- Raises the profile of reading and literacy in schools
- Gives students a focus for their reading
- Encourages students to enjoy reading and read more books
- Encourages students to participate by being challenged
- Offers incentives for reluctant readers
- Builds self-esteem,pride, school unity and a sense of achievement among students
- Increases the involvement of parents in their child’s reading
- Increases the number of library books borrowed
- Contributes to increased literacy levels
Premier’s Reading Challenge testimonials
Comments From Two Happy Parents
“As a mother of a child with dyslexia and reading problems I think anything that encourages the children to read is wonderful. Knowing there is a medal at the end of it is great encouragement for the children. It makes them proud to have achieved something.”
“All 3 of my children are already revved up to do the Challenge next year. My 4yr old is so excited to be old enough to get a certificate. All at the PRC are amazing, I appreciate this program so much. It really encourages them to reach a goal.
My favourite quote: ‘No child hates to read, you just haven’t found the right book yet’. So true, with all four of our children. Our 19 yr old kept going all through high school with her reading Challenges and now the younger three have ambition to reach as far as she did.”
Special Needs Student Discovers Literacy
A special needs student in Year 7 has discovered literacy through the Premier’s Reading Challenge. He was very keen to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge and has caught “the reading bug” due to his enthusiasm.
From Georgina – Year 7
My thoughts about the Challenge are that it made people think about reading a bit more and it encouraged everyone to read no matter how old they are. The Challenge made people realise that there are some books out there for them and they found out what sort of books they like to read. I am sure some children will carry on reading or read a lot more than they used to because they had to get it finished by a certain date.
The Challenge is great because everyone is capable of doing it and they can have a go at it. At our school it is easy to be a part of the Challenge because there are links on our school Intranet and coloured labels on the books listed.
It is a great experience for everyone and I am sure lots of children will want to do it again next year and will hopefully get a gold medal the fourth year they do it. Thank you Mr Mike Rann for setting up a great Reading Challenge for us.
Using the Public Library
Benjamin has become more independent at the Public Library. He has appreciated being able to look up the Booklists on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website and likes the way the books are sorted into categories. He has learnt how to search for books and also how to reserve books at the Public Library.
Premier’s Reading Challenge has a Positive Influence
The teacher librarian at McDonald Park Primary School in Mount Gambier, Robyn Williams, reports that the Premier’s Reading Challenge has had an incredible positive influence on student reading at their school. Parents are involved, students are filling out their Student Reading Records and the Challenge works well alongside the Scholastic Lexile System that is already operating in the school.
The Booklists
A parent of a 10 year old girl reports that the Booklists and categories have been responsible for her daughter reading a wider range of genre after trying different books on the list.
Black Forest Primary School – Thoughts from Students
My name is Tom and I am in Year 2. I have enjoyed the Reading Challenge because I have read lots of books. I like the pictures in the books. Sometimes I read a page and then my Mum reads one. She has enjoyed the Reading Challenge too!
Thank you to everyone who provided a testimonial. If you have something to contribute to this section, please email
Have a question about the Challenge?
Please email our Premier’s Reading Challenge mailbox or call for assistance. We look forward to hearing from you.